Certification Exam Concierge Service

SynED’s Certification Concierge program will put your students on a pathway to refine their knowledge, craft their personal story and, make them stand out among their peers. We provide athletic style coaching to help students find the confidence to take and pass their exams. 

Certification Exam Concierge Service

SynED’s concierge service is designed to augment your student success efforts. Many students fail to take industry certification exams after participating in exam preparation and training programs. We become a coach and cheerleader to help students find the confidence to take and pass their exams. 

Our Approach

Industry certifications are crucial to securing a job in IT and cybersecurity. They help to set your students apart when applying for jobs in those fields. Once they gain their certification they will be among an elite group. However, just having a certification does not give them the edge you would expect. They must be able to tell the story of their journey to obtaining their certification and explain the non-technical skills they developed along the way. These include:

  • Life/work/study balance to complete the learning program.
  • Setting and meeting their goals in the Concierge program.
  • Managing their commitment to meet an aggressive timeline preparing for their exams, while balancing work/family/life commitments.
  • Learning how to time manage stressful exam situations by using the 3 pass exam technique.
  • Demonstrating mastery of technical knowledge by being able to retrieve and utilize it under exam pressure.

Success in this program shows potential employers that you students are willing to go the extra mile while managing multiple commitments. Additionally, the Concierge program teaches them how to tell their story. This lets employers see that your students are open learning new tech skills and, are aware of the personal traits they develop while gaining those skills.

All of this is designed to make your student successful in GETTING THAT JOB!

Concierge Advantages

Supported Certifications

The Process

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High School Programs

Our IT Fundamentals+ Proctor in Place program is a perfect program for introducing high school students to the world of IT. This program allows your faculty to take the role of a proctor, so students can take their certification exam in a familiar context. 

Our Certification Partners

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